- Don't let other people determine your worth. You alone have the right, and also the responsibility, of placing worth on yourself and your life. The fact that this person or that person doesn't talk to you as much as you want them to or that you're always overshadowed by your older sibling has no bearing on how much value you have. I mean, you could let that be the measure by which you judge your self-worth, but it's a stupid way to measure it.
- Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. Whether that's a job, a house, your prized shoe collection, or your relationship. It's unfair to yourself because whatever you're depending on could be taken from you and leave your life in ruins. It's also unfair to whatever you are placing the huge responsibility of your life's happiness on. Your shoes don't know how to handle that. They can't possibly be responsible for that big of a thing. Same goes for people. You can't have a friend or significant other be the foundation of your joy. You are setting them up for failure which will not only crush you but will also give them tremendous guilt that isn't warranted. Just don't do it.
- The person who needs to be happy with your life is you. Not your parents or your teachers or your friends. You. If you're making choices and doing things based on what other people want, it's easy to end up questioning if your life is really all that valuable. It may seem valuable in someone else's eyes, but they're not the ones who need to wake up every morning and live it. Make choices you are happy with, do things that are valuable in your eyes, and the ones who truly love you will accept that you gotta do what you gotta do. It's not easy to live a life that you don't even like. Build a life that you actually enjoy living.
- You can do whatever the heck you want to with your life. If you're unhappy with something, just change it. Life is not a game you need to win and there is no slot that you have to fit in to. You are young, always. There is always more time to change it up and do whatever you want. It's your life and you have that liberty. You have no set rules to follow about what you can or cannot do with your life. You can do what you want and be who you want. To not do it is a waste of your time.
- Have a variety of things happening in your life. Instead of focusing all your time and energy on one or two areas in your life, cultivate a well-rounded roster of activities and friend groups. Spending time developing and nurturing a wide variety of friendships and interests brings so much health and balance to your life.
OMGSH FRIENDS?! - Say no to things that are bad for you. Unhealthy relationships are poison to your soul. Take a step back from that one friendship that always brings you down and allow yourself to be free from it's grasp. Just say no, kids. It's not worth it.
- Sometimes other people, even smart people, don't have the answer. Growing up, kids can always trust an adult to tell them what they should be doing. Parents and teachers always tell us what to do next. But there will come a time when you'll look around for directions and your parents may not have the answer for you. Sometimes, no one can tell you what your next step is. Sometimes, you need to depend on yourself and you have to decide what to do. So don't let people trick you into thinking that they have your answers, and don't look for your answer in other people.
Jks we really don't ever know.
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Ugh Britney, JUST SAY NO. |
in other words
ReplyDelete1: Find your worth in God
2: Make God the source of your Joy, because you'll never lose him
3: Know God loves you no mater what
4: You can do all things through Christ!
5: Be on mission always!
6: Walk in the spirit, not the flesh
7: Trust God's plan, and follow it.