I got to thinking about how I already know I will disappoint myself. You see, I'm sort of at a steady state already. So even with my increased exercise, my body really isn't going to change that much unless I go on a dramatic diet kick for a little while. So, I was pondering what a veggie and fiber filled January I might be having when I remembered how much I hate dieting and how ridiculous of a notion it is.
If you want dramatic results right away, eat less and exercise more. You'll lose weight and be hungry.
If you want to have a healthier lifestyle, eat right and exercise more. You'll see great results in 3-6 months.
But the message isn't to look and feel great in 6 months. You're not supposed to feel great because your body is being taken care of, you're supposed to feel great because you look great and other people notice your beautiful body. And it should happen in like a week or so.
If you take a second to Google image search "thinspiration" you'll see what young women are up against. People don't need to tell us to our faces that we're fat and we should eat only kale and dust and live on a treadmill. Media images do that everyday. They glare at us and say "you're not good enough". And it's not just girls. I've seen attractive guys pick themselves apart in mirrors as well. When you're fit and attractive, people are nicer to you. You get better customer service at stores. People are more likely to smile at you. People talk to me more when I'm wearing makeup and a cute outfit. It's just the truth.
Apparently in 2014 "Strong is the new skinny". I see that caption pasted on pictures of girls weight lifting. And that's cool, I'm glad they can bench press, but it's the same girl I saw last year, and the year before, and the year before that, all perfectly lean and kale/dust eating. So, strong may be sexy but skinny hasn't been replaced. And I'm not 115 pounds like I was when I was 14, but I am strong. I know I look like I enjoy my ice cream and sweat pants but I can get a heavy brick from the bottom of a pool and portage a canoe if you ask me to. I would love to see the twig girl in the fake bench press picture try to portage a canoe. *snap*
I want people to like me and treat me nicely but I don't want to starve myself. I really like ice cream and kale tastes really gross. Ya feel me?

And actually, I don't want to be a picture on tumblr because outsides are nice but they're also just things. And I hope when people look at me they don't just see me for what I look like. Because that's objectification and it ruins people's lives. It ruins people's outsides when they try to be a fantasy. And it ruins people's insides when they appreciate only a fantasy.
People are beautiful creations in a million different ways and therefore we should have a million different ways of viewing and appreciating each other.
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